Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Challenge 169 Circles

When I drew my circle it did not come out as a circle so I just added circles to it. Then added the other tangles. To me it looks like an alligator's eye. That is what I like about art. It can be anything you want and other people get to see what they see. Thanks for this challenge of circles. I look forward every week to the challenge. I also do dangles every chance I get during each day. They are so habit forming.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Challenge 168

The challenge for this week was called rain. In my drawing I had lightning bolts, clouds with silver linings, rain and grass.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Challenge 167

This is my version of challenge  #167. It was a little harder then some of the others I have tried. We were suppose to make the Well and Punzel tangle together in one picture. I need a little more work on it, but enjoyed trying at least doing this challenge. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Challenge 166

First I want to wish The Diva an early happy birthday. I really enjoyed doing the challenge for this week. It was totally different then I have done before and got some new ideas. I like how you combined Carole Ohly's Tink and a similar tangle to the Hollebaugh.

This is how my came out.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

This is what I came up for challenge 165. I started one and didn't like it. Close out the instructions and then tried to do it by the first one I made. Somewhere along the way I could not follow my copy. So I ended up with this one instead. At first didn't think would send this one. The more I worked on it the more I liked it. Not my best. But they say...practice, practice, practice. I will need to do that for this pattern.